We are pleased to announce that the 1491 TV series is now available world-wide on the “1491 Channel” on Vimeo. This 24/7 streaming channel has all 8 episodes as well as other Indigenous documentaries. The subscription fee is $14.91 for one year. You can subscribe to the 1491 channel at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/1491channel.
Good Evening, I am Lisa Rodriguez. I am creator and originator of the 6th Annual Native Film Series that is a community showing of films of your content. I was given your information from Melissa Bisagni from the National American Indian Association in NY. Is your series able to be viewed publicly. I am interested in Episode 1 and 2 for one showing and Episode 3 and 4 for one showing.
Our audience are all travelers and visiting to our community that come to Gallup, NM to experience authentic storytelling, witness ceremonial dancing, be apart of Native American traditions and see the most spectacular arts and crafts known to Native Americans. Our event is the “Kickoff Event”of the 97th Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial, the oldest of its kind in New Mexico. The showing would take place at the Historic Downtown El Morro Theatre which is located right next to our nightly dances that happen throughout the 10 day event.